Rogue Cinema's review of "Zorg and Andy" says, "'Zorg and Andy' is one of the most innovative indie comedies I've seen in quite some time." And, "It's quirky and odd and laugh out loud funny...and, in the end, I'm pretty anxious to see if Andy has another adventure in him."
Many thanks to Brian at Rogue Cinema! Sequel anyone?
HELL YEAH! Sequel! I think the actors have all been hollering for a sequel since March of '06...and if the postproduction process hasn't completely turned you off of film-making, I think we should definitely give it another go! From the sounds of these reviews we're a hit! Maybe we should start hitting Quentin up for more material...even if we are gonna butcher the script when it comes to the filming, lol. Sorry, Quentin...
--Nick "the PIG"
Also...just saw the movie for the first time on Wednesday the 4th, GREAT JOB, GUY! I was amazed to see how scenes cut from Wabash to Earlham to Indy...I'm surprised we didn't find you in a corner of your studio curled into a ball and muttering "Wabash....Earlham...Indy...Earlbash...Wabham...Indham..." I was thoroughly impressed! Again, great job!
Nick! Thanks so much, man! Glad you enjoyed the movie and, yes, I'm almost fully recovered from post now (just a few flashbacks here and there).
I'm glad you're up for more abuse! I like your idea about pitching it to Quentin--I think he might really appreciate periodic emails, phone calls, perhaps even late-night visits, encouraging him on the sequel.
Quentin, we can do this the easy way. Or...
yeah...or we can sic the giant on ya! wait...that's me...
to be honest, I just wanna wear that mask again...that's gotta be the coolest freaking mask I've ever seen. If this film ever gets really big I guarantee it'll be one of the most popular halloween costumes the following year :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Nick! Love the idea of thousands of little Pigs trick or treating. Brilliant. If we ever do end up making a sequel, I think Stuart and Pig should have an even bigger role. They're superheroes, you know.
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