After only a mere three years in post, "Zorg and Andy" is finally complete! Hard to believe, I know, but it's true (check us out
here, it's right there in black and white).
We've got a lot going on right now, including a website redesign that will be up soon (check back often!), and the creation of a press kit and promotional materials.
We also have a new
Facebook page, thanks to
Scott. Drop by and say hello!
And I want to let you know that we have a new teaser trailer up, both on Facebook and
Youtube. More trailers are in the works. Let us know what you think!
See? I told you there was a lot going on.
Our plan in the coming months is to continue to submit the movie to festivals, as well as begin sending it out for review. Assuming said reviews are spectacular, we'll be posting links to them soon! Unspectacular reviews will be rewritten and then posted.
Regarding DVD's, initially they'll only be available for sale at festival screenings, but I imagine we'll start self-distribution sometime later this year. And once that happens, we'll need everyone's help to get the word out.
Of course, all cast and crew members will receive a free copy of the movie, so we'll be sending out an email soon to make sure we have everyone's most recent address. Timeframe to get those out should probably be in the next month or so. But, I appear to be timeframe-challenged, so bear that in mind.
And finally, we want to start planning for that long-awaited premiere! Details to come (and we'd love to hear any of your ideas, too)!
All for now. Thank you all for your patience and continued support!